Monday, April 13

What I Learned Last Week:

*I hate being sick.
*I would rather be sick, than have Taelyn be sick.
*It is possible to lose 8 pounds in 1 week.
*It causes a whoppin' headache.
*Pneumonia is worse than any illness I've ever had.
*Sick leave is good...until it runs out!
*Jon is a great single parent...if house-keeping skills are not graded.
*More than I ever realized, I set the mood and spirit in our home.
*Not being able to talk increases thoughtfulness and contemplation.
*This can be good and bad.
*Taelyn can miss me, even if she sees me every day.
*Jon missed me more-even though we talked every day.
*I learned how to humble myself and ask the RS for help.
*Life goes on, and at some time you have to force yourself to get back into it...even if you still feel like staying in bed.


Jayson & Chelsey said...

I hope you are feeling better! Sounds like you had a learning-filled week.

☆jeff&leawoodland☆ said...

i hope you get feeling better being sick is never fun! especially when your a mommy with a little one to take care of! thankyou for your comment i sure love you guys to :) i pretty much think i married into the coolest family out there. : ) i love you guys how was easter for you guys did tae do a egg hunt?

nersey said...

YIKES, I am sorry about the ruff week. I hope you are feeling better by now!