Wednesday, September 30

I kind of feel like a jerk...

During lunch, Jenni, Darla and I went to the gym here at work. When we finished, Darla and I went to the cafeteria to grab some food.

I got a taco salad ($4.55). I gave the teller a $10 and asked if she could give me the change in ones. She looked at me funny and handed me 45 cents. I pointed out that I had handed her a $10. She proceeds to count out 4 dollar bills for me. When she stopped, I politely informed her that she owed me another dollar. She gave me this totally confused look. So I counted it out for her. $4.55 + 0.45 = $5. I needed $5 more to get $10. I still got the confused look. I explained again, and then the lady behind me chimed in and said that I was correct. The teller, still looking confused, slowly pulled out another dollar bill. I had to explain it again before she would give it to me. It this point I'm thinking how glad I was that that was over. Then the lady behind me informed me that I owed the teller $4. WHAT?! So then I explained it to them both again. When they both gave me a confused look, I blurted out "I'm an engineer. Don't argue with me."


I made a hasty retreat.


Meadow said...

What is up with lady behind you getting involved?!?!

I don't think you are a jerk. It must be an engineer thing.

Glad you got your $5.

Trudy said...

I don't think you were a jerk, either. I'm glad you got your change!

Fig said...

What the? I'd have been swearing by then, so I think you handled it just fine.