Monday, July 6

4th of July Weekend

We went home for the weekend. Our festivities started off with the Chicken BBQ and Kids Rodeo. We put Tae in the 1 & 2 year old bunny chase. Here they are waiting. Jon is in blue. My cousin Jackson is in the hat. This picture shows the problem we had-Tae wouldn't put her feet down!In the end, they still got a bunny. Got meaning some mom begged Jon to take the bunny because her daughter was terrified of it. We didn't know what we were going to do with it. Luckily we overheard a mom tell her 2 boys that maybe they could see our bunny. We were more than happy to see if she was interested in having it. After a quick call to see if her mother-in-law would keep it, we were bunny free.

We also attended the Neola parade. I'm actually impressed at how big it is getting. Jon mocked when they had 4 small planes doing a flyby before it started. Funny how much something like watching a parade changes when you have a toddler. Tae loved waving. Her favorite was Smokey Bear on the top of the Forrest Service truck. Because I was busy with Taelyn, Jon took pictures. There were only a few, and even fewer that turned out. I do appreciate his attempts, though. Otherwise we would have no pictures.

We had planned on being in Roosevelt for the fireworks. "Papa" (Tae's name for my dad) asked when we were leaving. When we said after lunch, he looked totally dejected. I cracked up when he said-in a sad, little pouty voice-"but I bought her fireworks..." We ended up staying. Tae loved it-almost as much as Papa.


mike & teresa said...

Ah-I'm sad we missed the Neola festivities. It's so fun for the little kids. You will have a harder time getting rid of the bunny next year because she will know better!

Tamaran said...

Shhhhh-don't tell my parents, but it is going to live at their house if she gets one next year.

Holly said...

Taelyn is so cute! She's grown up a little since I saw her in Vegas! I can't believe how long her hair is, my neice is the same age but her hair isn't nearly that long!