Tuesday, September 9

Answer to Prayers

In high school I had major problems with my knees. Unfortunately, my left knee has started bothering me again. This wouldn't be too big a deal if we didn't live on the third floor. I can go down fine, but up causes pain and a loud popping sound. Carrying Taelyn up adds to the stress and some days is nearly unbearable.

About a month ago we started looking at moving. Our motto: progression. Our requirements: 2 bedroom, ground level, washing machine & dryer and a step up from what we are now living in (this is where the progression comes in). Every time we found something (and some of them were very cute and in our price range) , it didn't feel right. After viewing 5+ places, we both felt very frustrated.

After much prayer, we had our answer...we are supposed to stay in our ward. Blast! Don't get me wrong, I love our ward...but I'm a little bit of a snob. There is only 1 apartment complex in our ward that I would live in--and that is where we are all ready at. The rest of them are downright scary!

Anyway, we agreed that we needed to quit looking outside of ward boundaries and trust in the Lord. If he wanted us to stay, he would provide an opportunity for us. Less than a week later, the answer came. One of our friends in the ward called. He and his wife bought a house in Sandy and the house that they are renting from his mom is going to be empty. As he and his wife were getting ready for bed one night, she asked if he thought we might be interested in renting it.

Results: by November 1st we will be in a 2 bedroom house on ground level with a washer and dryer and the rent is low enough that it will still allow us to save. I'm grateful that God hears and answers prayers. I'm grateful for people who listen to promptings of the Spirit. On a less spiritual note, I'm also grateful that we are only going to have to make ~6 more trips to the laundromat!


Lacey said...

Wow, that's a great story (although Im sorry your knees are still bothering you). It's amazing to look back in retrospect and see the Lord's plan unfold.

And, don't be too jealous about the pre-prego jeans thing. The whole ICU/not eating for five days thing had a lot to do with it!

Fig said...

That's a cool story! Good for you. Sorry about your knee. Knees?

P.S. I'm Christy - I'm pretty sure we don't know each other, but I know your family. I was Colton's junior prom date. Okay if I read your blog? :-)