Wednesday, December 31


Fig had this on her blog. It made me think about how this year has gone for us. Most answers apply to both Jon and I. The ones that don't have both answers.

1. What did you do in 2008 that you’d never done before? Had a baby and moved into a house with our little family. Oh, and put an offer on a house (it was more intimidating than we thought it would be...and we didn't even get it!).

2. Did you keep your new year’s resolutions, and will you make more for next year? No and kind of (I'm calling them 'plans' because maybe Jenni is right about the resolution thing). Jon doesn't even remember what his were from last year, I'm working on getting him to make some 'plans' for this year.

3. Did anyone close to you give birth? Yes. Family: Lea, Charmaine, Nikki, Katie, Chris, Amy, Houng, Cory, Janae. Friends: Alyse, Nikki, Nicole, Lacey, Carol. I think that is all...

4. Did anyone close to you die? Yes. Taylor (friend's newborn), Mavie (aunt), Alex (nephew), Brandy (Sis' BF).

5. What countries did you visit? None.

6. What would you like to have in 2009 that you lacked in 2008? A family vacation (trips home don't count).

7. What dates from 2008 will remain etched upon your memory, and why? May 5, Tae's birth. Thanksgiving, because of the car accident. End of October, because that is when Jon knew Sherrie (his step mom) longer as mom than he knew Elsa as his mom.

8. What was your biggest achievement of the year? I think doing all I did as RS Prez while being heavy with child. I would put Jon's as being passing both of the math classes he took. He says he didn't have any.

9. What was your biggest failure? I constantly wonder if I did enough during that time. I also doubt my decision to ask to be released. Jon says he doesn't have any. In his words, "I'm a pillar of success!" I refer you to his answer on the last question.

10. Did you suffer illness or injury? Just minor things.

11. What was the best thing you bought? Stackable washer and drier. Jon agrees (he was the one that spent the most time at the laundromat).

12. Whose behavior merited celebration? Hmmm...

13. Whose behavior made you appalled and depressed? Hukabee.

14. Where did most of your money go? It's a toss up between auto payments and rent.

15. What did you get really, really, really excited about? Tae's birth and moving. Jon is already really, really, really excited about spring (we will have a garden this year).

16. What song will always remind you of 2008? Drawing a blank...

17. Compared to this time last year, are you:
a) happier or sadder? happier (both)
b) thinner or fatter? I'm thinner, but only because I was pregnant last year!) Jon is about the same.
c) richer or poorer? richer. This is the first year we have both had full-time jobs (funny-we don't feel richer though!).

18. What do you wish you’d done more of? Service (Jon's answer, and I totally agree).

19. What do you wish you’d done less of? I say complaining, Jon says sleeping.

20. How did you spend Christmas? With my family and driving back in a terrible snow storm (our 2.5 hr trip turned into 4.5 hrs).

21. Did you fall in love in 2008? Yes. With Tae, and having her made me fall more in love with her daddy. Jon says the same, vise versa.

22. What was your favorite TV program? As previously stated, we don't do TV. Monarch of the Glen via NetFlix.

23. Do you hate anyone now that you didn’t hate this time last year? Nope. Still hate the same people! ;)

24. What was the best book you read? Jon says, "Did we finish reading a book last year?" Other than the Twilight books and Host... I don't think we actually finished reading any books. Don't worry, one of my 2009 'plans' will address that.

25. What was your greatest musical discovery? Handbells (the primary kids LOVE them). Jon says handbells because they make him feel musical.

26. What did you want and get? Baby. Moved into a house. Washer/Drier. New wardrobe (me).

27. What did you want and not get? Bike Trailer for the baby (me). Jon says he has everything he wants.

28. What was your favorite film of this year? Jon says WALL-E; I think we really didn't have much of a selection this year...other than the yearly HP movie.

29. What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you? Jon: spent day at wife's family reunion, 30. Me: Took Tae in for vaccinations. Jon made dinner. I turned 27.

30. What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying? I say we have been so blessed. I honestly can't think of anything. Jon says, buying a home in the Basin so we could move home and live happily ever after.

31. How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2008? Poor. As always. My new wardrobe has helped immeasurably, though. Jon is totally comfortable with his jeans and Ts (occasionally I can talk/force him into a polo or sweater-if the occasion is special enough!).

32. What kept you sane? My best friend, who happens to be my spouse (answer some for both of us).

33. Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most? We didn't fancy any of them at all.

34. What political issue stirred you the most? Jon says the bail out and Proposition 8. He didn't give any details or explanation. I say Proposition 8. Mostly just the aftermath. I'm totally disgusted by the protests and attacks that have taken place because people exercised their right to vote. I am totally appalled that there are many who have lost something (ie, job) because they donated $ to one side or the other. OK, lets be honest, I've only heard of people being discriminated against because they supported it. Honestly makes me sick.

35. Who did you miss? Grandma... Jon misses his parents most.

36. Who was the best new person you met? Jon, who is kind of a hermit, couldn't think of anyone. I would have to say Nikki. She is so positive and caring. She is so strong. She is a great example to me.

37. Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2008. This is a little more personal than I want to post. If you are really interested, you can ask.

38. Quote a song lyric that sums up your year. My thought is "I have been blessed". When I asked Jon he said "It's a wonderful world" (but only after I wouldn't accept his "It's the end of the world as we know it").

Monday, December 29

Family Update #5

Paul was released from the hospital on the day after Christmas. Jon's phone is on the fritz, so we didn't find out until we found an empty room when we went to visit on Saturday. It was welcome news.

We went down to visit on Sunday. He looks so much better and is happy to be home. He is actually putting some weight back on too. He lost 50 pounds from his month long hospital stay (shy a day or two). He has been moving around a little and working on getting his muscles (especially his legs) to work again.

Paul's family made the most of him being in the hospital on Christmas. They went up Christmas Eve and spent the night in the hotel provided for the patients' families. Christmas morning they stayed in their pajamas and took the gifts to the hospital to open as a family.

When they found out he was being released on Friday, they called Joe and let him know they were coming. The trip was rough. When they got there, preparations had been made. Family had managed to lift the bed a foot. Ben, Paul's daughter Heather's boyfriend (did that make any sense?), cleared a path to the back door so they could get almost to the bedroom by car. Let me explain this "path". When we got there, it looked like he had used a tractor. It was ~12 feet wide and completely cleared. He used a shovel. Impressive, most impressive.

Anyway, thank you all for your thoughts and prayers. We are continuing to pray for Paul and Jeff and their recovery.

As far as Russ and Cary and their family, we continue to pray for them, too. We stopped by last night, but no one was home. It has been a couple weeks since we saw them last. I still can't fathom what they have to face every morning they wake up...especially with Christmas. It is doubtful that the next few weeks will be any easier. January 12 is Alex's birthday. He would have been 12.

Sorry to end on a sad note. Thanks again for your prayers.

Friday, December 26

The Reason We Moved Our Blog

I have several friends that use "pseudonames" for blogging. Smart. Others have been going private with their blogs for safety reasons. Also smart. I debated the issue. I don't think I could handle the pseudoname idea when blogging (too complicated for my liking...besides I couldn't come up with any cool names). I didn't want to go private with the blog, either, but realized I needed to do something. I started by deleting references to where we live and work. Lacey inspired me to not include our last name in the URL. It may not be the best option, but it is a start.

I feel safer already!

Thursday, December 18

Merry Christmas!

Can't believe it's almost here. Only one week and so much to do! Just wanted to share these pics.
As you can tell from the last two pics, she felt pretty picked on when I didn't save her from the hat when she pulled it down too far. I was too busy trying to get a few good pictures...

Mom, are you there?

So I was wondering why my mom hasn't checked my blog lately...then I noticed how few pictures I have posted. Just hasn't been a priority.

This post isn't going to make much sense, but oh well! Here are a few (and then some) pictures and captions from the last 2 months.

We had an enrichment meeting where we learned to knit. I'm working on a scarf...purple, of course! Well, I wasn't paying attention for 2 seconds and Taelyn decided to help. She had the skein completely unwound in nothing flat. Talented, huh? Then she 'helped' mommy fix it.
Taelyn comes and visits me during lunch. All there is for her to eat in my cube is papers. Usually I'm pretty good at clearing her a spot, but occasionally she catches me off guard. That is when she gets moved to the floor.
Just us chillin' on the couch. I'm glad she is still in that cuddly phase. Oh, and we had to cook for food club again. We made rice pilaf and grilled veggies (with chicken added to one for Travis).
Not included in this post is my Black Friday Shopping. That deserves a post of its own. Maybe someday I'll get to it!

Oh, and Mom, if you're there, please leave a comment so that I know my target audience even checks this blog...

Monday, December 15

Change in Bishopric

A welcome change occurred yesterday. The old bishopric was released and a new one called. I knew that Jon was asked to share his testimony with the rest of the outgoing and incoming bishopric members. I was caught off guard when the President Wentworth ask the wives to also share their testimonies and I got to start.

All week we have been looking forward to Jon being released. It would mean that I would have help getting Tae and her stuff ready Sunday morning. It would mean that I could sit by Jon during the meeting. We could sing together (he has a really nice voice). He could help with the baby. No meetings before church. No meetings after church. No meetings during the week. And best of all, no more late Saturday night, or early Sunday morning, 2.5 hour trips from the Basin to the city to make it back for early morning meetings!

It didn't dawn on me until after Sacrament that I really don't know how to be married to Jon without him being in the bishopric. He was called as the 2nd counselor 2.5 months after we got married.

Now I just have one question: What are we going to do with all this time!?

[oh wait, that is what I thought when I graduated...I hope this extra time doesn't disappear like that extra time seems to have!!]

Family Update #4

So Paul is seeming to do better all the time. Last week they moved him from the ICU to the MICU. Yesterday he was moved from the MICU to a normal room. They are talking about moving him to a nursing home until he gets to the point that he can start physical therapy.

Friday, December 12

Women's Ski Jumping

How many of you know that ski jumping is an Olympic event? Of course it is, we've seen it, right? Anything about it stand out to you? Me either...'til it was pointed out.

Did you know that ski jumping is the only activity in the Olympic Winter Games that does not allow women to compete? I would encourage all of you go to this link and sign the petition to allow Women's Ski Jumping in the 2010 Olympic Winter Games.

Thursday, December 11

The Grand-daddy of all Christmas Parties

So Jon had his company Christmas party last night. It was AWESOME!!

Location: 26th floor of the Church Office Building

Guests of honor: President Eyring and his wife, Elder Ballard and his wife, Elder Nelson and his wife, and Bishop Burton and his wife.

Entertainment: John Schmidt (w/ gift copy of hymns without words piano solos)

Speaker: President Eyring

Good food. Great atmosphere. Awesome company.

The neatest thing was one of the comments that President Eyring made. Background-when we heard about the car accident, Jon was clinging to "It's true." The only way he was able to be as strong as he has is because of his testimony of the gospel, and subsequently the plan of salvation and the sealing powers. President Eyring spoke about it being true and the strength that comes from it being true. Nice to have it reaffirmed, especially by an especial witness of Christ who is ordained as a prophet, seer and revelator.

Monday, December 8

My U Spirit

Have you ever pulled a prank and no one has figured out it was you? Did it ever drive you crazy and you just wanted to yell that it was you?




This is my boss' office door. He is a HUGE BYU fan. I decorated it Friday before the game. I was a little hesitant because I didn't want to have to beat him to work on Monday morning (before 7:30) if BYU won. I must admit, when the U whomped all over BYU I was a little worried about rubbing it in...
Well, I should have done this while I was still in school because it sure brought out my school spirit. I was singing Utah Man the rest of Friday night and all of Saturday.
The best part was hearing everyone try to guess who it was. Because I'm such a bad liar, I had to come up with quick comments to keep from giving myself away. Now it is driving me crazy that it has been 2 weeks and I was never found out.
Man I think I'm clever!!

Family Update #3

Paul started coming out of the coma yesterday. A lot of what he says doesn't make sense. He just wants 2 things: to go home and a d@#* Diet Coke. They still have the feeding tube in. They are worried about him aspirating because of his swollen throat and how long it has been since he has swallowed. Joe did smuggle in some contraband, but when Paul started coughing Joe decided maybe the doctors were right. We have been told that he will most likely be in the ICU for 2 more days.

Friday, December 5

Feeding Taelyn #4

So we have been introducing Taelyn to solids for the last month or so.

Things we have learned:
  • Feeding babies can be quite messy.
  • Bibs are amazing!
  • Texture matters A TON!
  • The initial gag reflex was mostly caused from having the spoon in her mouth, and was easily overcome by letting her chew on and play with the spoon.
  • If you don't feed her something she likes for over a week, she may forget she likes it (squash).
  • She loves vanilla yogurt, fruit smoothie, lemon pie and grandma's potato salad.
  • She hates mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, pears, apples and plain cereal.
  • She LOVES her sippie cup.
  • She drank from a normal cup very well...until she discovered how much fun it could be to stick her tongue in it!

I have to agree with Lea. Babies are so cute when they start eating!

Thursday, December 4

Family Update #2

Thanks to all those who have kept our family in their prayers.

As an update, Alex's viewing was on Monday and the funeral on Tuesday. It was difficult, with much heartache and tears. There was also a peace. I'm grateful for the Spirit and the peace it brings. We continue to pray for that peace to continue to be with Russ, and especially Cary.

As far as things at the hospital, Jeff came out of it on Tuesday. It was so good to see him sitting up and joking with everyone. He was released from the hospital yesterday. I am amazed he was released so soon. It is quite a blessing. Paul had hip surgery on Tuesday, then they took him off of the pain meds so that he would come out of the induced coma. As of 10:30 last night, he still hadn't come out of it. They did a MRI Wednesday night. The good news is that they didn't find anything. The bad news is that they didn't find anything. They said that there is no reason that he hasn't woken up yet. I suspect that his body is trying to recover from the 3 surgeries. Additionally, there were some things mentioned in the blessing that he was given that I think are taking place right now.

I will post another update when there is something to report.

Monday, December 1

Family Update

This post is hard to write, and I'm not sure quite what to say.

Friday evening we received a phone call to let us know that Jon's brother, Paul, and 2 of our nephews had been in an accident. His son, Jeff, and Russ' son, Alex, were with Paul at the time. Alex was killed instantly. Paul was immediately life flighted. Jeff was first sent to the hospital down there, then life flighted to the same hospital as Paul.

We have spent much time at the hospital the past few days.

Paul broke his back, all his ribs on the left side, both femurs, broken foot, punctured lung, broken hip... initially it was thought that he broke his neck also, but we have been blessed and they were not able to find any problems with his neck. He had his legs operated on Saturday night. The surgery went well. His back was operated on Sunday morning. It also went very well. He is still in ICU. He was unconscious after the accident and they have kept him sedated since then. Paul will go in for hip surgery tomorrow. After that they will take the breathing tube out and wake him up.

Jeff has been moved out of the ICU. He broke his back (compression fracture) and cracked his hip. He has been having some major pain in his head. He was conscious after the accident, and has been in and out of it since then.

Last night we went down to see Russell and Cary and their family. It broke my heart. When we got there, it looked like a parking lot out front. So many people there to express love and sympathies. We didn't think it would happen, but we were blessed with some time alone with them. I cannot imagine the pain they are facing.

I wish there were more I could do. I feel so small and lost. All I have to offer is love, tears and prayers.