Thursday, December 18

Mom, are you there?

So I was wondering why my mom hasn't checked my blog lately...then I noticed how few pictures I have posted. Just hasn't been a priority.

This post isn't going to make much sense, but oh well! Here are a few (and then some) pictures and captions from the last 2 months.

We had an enrichment meeting where we learned to knit. I'm working on a scarf...purple, of course! Well, I wasn't paying attention for 2 seconds and Taelyn decided to help. She had the skein completely unwound in nothing flat. Talented, huh? Then she 'helped' mommy fix it.
Taelyn comes and visits me during lunch. All there is for her to eat in my cube is papers. Usually I'm pretty good at clearing her a spot, but occasionally she catches me off guard. That is when she gets moved to the floor.
Just us chillin' on the couch. I'm glad she is still in that cuddly phase. Oh, and we had to cook for food club again. We made rice pilaf and grilled veggies (with chicken added to one for Travis).
Not included in this post is my Black Friday Shopping. That deserves a post of its own. Maybe someday I'll get to it!

Oh, and Mom, if you're there, please leave a comment so that I know my target audience even checks this blog...

1 comment:

Fig said...

I'll join your mom in being grateful for the pictures! They're so cute . . . she is a beautiful and silly baby.