Thursday, March 5

Croup and Double Ear Infection--Round 2 *DING*

It started with a cough on Saturday evening. By Sunday morning we were well into it. Her temp. maxed out at 101.6 that night. I stayed home with her on Monday, and Jon on Tuesday. She sounded better that evening, so Wednesday we both come to work. She fell asleep on the way, so I kept her in my cube until she woke up. Just as we were about to head down to the day-care, she started a huge coughing fit and coughed up several mouthfuls of phlegm. It was followed by the saddest, most heart-wrenching "Ma-ma" I've ever heard. That is when I caved, took the rest of the day off, and called the doctor again.

It had been over 40 days since our last double ear infection treated with amoxacillin, so the pediatrician was able to prescribe it again. After only 3 doses, she is already seeming much better. She is at home with daddy today.

In addition to the bilateral ear infection and the cough, her nose is constantly...runny...just doesn't seem to be strong enough a word. I don't know which is worse, a constant stream down her lip and into her mouth or constantly having to wipe it (not my effort, but the effect on her). It has left her cheeks and upper lip chapped and sore. Oh, and she is drooling like mad. I wonder if we have more teeth coming.

Last night we were watching Monarch of the Glen and we forgot to check on the baby for 5 minutes. We were on the couch and she was on the floor 3 feet away. When I looked down, this is what I found. Yup, she has figured out how to pull a wipe out, watch a new one magically appear, and repeat. You can see her poor little chapped face and the drool spot on her shirt.


Nicole said...

Poor Tae! And poor Mommy and Daddy! I'm so sorry. What can I do to help? Can I bring you dinner?

Julie said...

Oh! Poor girl! I hope she starts feeling better soon.

Tamaran said...

Nicole, you are so sweet! Thanks, but no. We are doing well. She even slept the ENTIRE NIGHT last night. Much better than Sunday and Monday night's 3-4 hours!!

DyeFam said...

I am so sorry! Hang in there. I Hope she is feeling better and sleeping ok! I think having sick kids is one of the most stressful things in the world!

Kirstine said...

I agree with the above commentator. Hope she gets well fast.

Kirstine said...

I agree with the above commentator. Hope she gets well fast.

Kael and Katy said...

OH yuck, that does NOT sound fun! I hope she gets feeling better, she's too cute to not feel good and be out in public :)

shady brady dye said...

the second picture looks like, "mom, i would never do anything like this! I'm innocent!" I wonder if uncle colton taught her this over christmas!

Builder said...

Thank goodness Spring is around the corner! Good to catch up with your family!