Thursday, March 12

Oh the Title Possibilities

Like "Our Little Distraction" or "No More Monkeys Jumping on the Bed" or "Tae and Daddy: Each Other's Entertainment".

Jon and I were working on his math one evening. We are night owls at our place. This was slightly after 10:30 p.m. Tae crawls around and plays with her toys while Jon works on math and I check his answers and ask him questions when he gets stuck. I took a break to go to the restroom. Jon was supposed to keep working on his math. When I came back, this is what they were doing. They kept it up for over 15 minutes! This is one of the 7 videos I took during this period. This is why we haven't gone home lately. We struggle to focus on math for any extended period of time. By we, I of course mean Jon.

Let me apologize for the head tilt required to watch this video. I know I realized that I needed to not rotate the camera, but in the moment, I always forget!

They sure are cute and I love watching them together. It always warms my heart.

1 comment:

Nicole said...

What a CUTIE! It's crazy the things that make them laugh. :) But I'd do almost anything to hear it. haha. I wonder what they must really be thinking as we do our crazy stunts to make them laugh. :)