Tuesday, November 10


She helps cook:

She helps do laundry:

And she cleans up most of her own messes:

We think we'll keep her.


Jenni said...

I like that these pictures are all from one day. And if you want, she can come do all those things at my house too!

Trudy said...

How cute!

Nicole said...

What a wonderful little helper you have! Mine helps with washing floors and tries to help change his own diapers by grabbing wipes and trying to clean things up, but when it comes to the vacuum cleaner, he's gone! Can't even be in the same room with it unless someone is holding him. :)

☆jeff&leawoodland☆ said...

what a cute little helper! its so fun to see them helping out i havent takin any pictures of hayley helping out and you just inspired me! i will have to capture her helpfulness as well!

Kael and Katy said...

That is so cute! What a good little helper, now if you can keep this going into the teen years you are amazing :) she is a cutie, and her hair is getting soo long!!

Kathy said...

Josh was so excited to see Tae. I told him who he was seeing and every pic after that he said, "my tae, my tae"!