Thursday, April 3



I know, most of you are picturing someone on a stage clucking like a chicken and thinking, "she can't be serious...can she?" Trust me. I've gotten all of those reactions. I'm to the point where I don't bring it up in conversation because I feel like I have to justify my reasons for choosing this birthing method. At first I was skeptical, too. I only decided to read the book because my sister-in-law, Kathy, recommended it. The more I read, the more intrigued I was. I agreed with everything the book said. Basically, it is based on teaching relaxation techniques. I could explain more, but then I would just be defending myself again.

Anyway, the reason I am so grateful for hypnobirthing is because of the peace I have received from it. When we first found out we were expecting, we ran down to the library to get books on pregnancy. THERE ARE A TON! As I scanned through them, they were easily narrowed down. Basically we put away all the ones that suggested to dad that life was going to be miserable after the baby was born or suggested that mom is awful if she goes back to work after having the baby. Then I started reading. The more I read, the more terrified of childbirth I became. Who would willingly sign up for such an awful event?! Not having an epidural scared me because of all the horror stories...having an epidural scared me because of the other horror stories. Jon finally took the books away and I took the approach of ignoring the situation.

That was when Kathy recommended hypnobirthing. As stated before, I was skeptical. I mentioned it to a friend in my ward, and she said her daughter had just combined hypnobirthing with water birth and had her baby at home. Now I'm not that gung-ho...but her daughter was so excited at my interest, that she lent me the book. I nearly completed the book before deciding to register for the class. I was very impressed with what it had to say. Not only that, but I could read and find myself longing for the delivery instead of fearing and dreading it.

We just finished our 4th class last night, which only leaves us 2 weeks. It is probably a good thing considering I could have the baby as soon as 3 weeks (if she comes on the earliest due date). I have learned so much and feel so much better prepared for Taelyn's coming. Additionally, the relaxation techniques have helped me in my everyday life, too!

I'll let you know, following the delivery, if it is as wonderful as I anticipate. Then I can give you my real thoughts on this 'crazy' concept of hypnobirthing.

1 comment:

Us Lochers said...

Tamaran, I am a skeptic on this... but I truly believe that each person is different and can handle different situations. I know you'll do fine. I also expect a FULL report of the process when I come visit you in the hospital!!